60-47 Metropolitan Ave
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Remember we have three halls for parties of all sizes. Be as detailed as you can about the party and date. Include the following information so we can better assist you. Please feel free to call if you have a specific request. We always offer discounts for monthly parties or meetings on a regular basis.
Please call 347-796-0060 between the hours of (10am and 8pm) if you have further questions regarding pricing and available dates.
To view the hall please set up an appointment prior to visiting. Thank you.
Abyss Hall
Our newest hall
(seats 120 indoor)
Avenue Hall
Newest modern and intimate venue
Seats 60
(Outdoor space available)
(347) 559-4007
Medina Hall
Most Popular Venue
Newly renovated and open since 1999
Seats 160
(Located near Brooklyn)
(718) 701-1673
Atlantis Hall
Beautiful Hall with special packages
Great location in Queens
Seats 200
(Outdoor space available)
(718) 501-9988
Rockaway Hall
Spacious location with many amenities
Draped Ceilings, Lounge room, Kitchen
Seats 160
(Parking Lot for 40 cars)
(347) 796-0060
Occasions Hall
Intimate Venue for all Occasions
Seats 80
(Parking available)
(347) 640-4255